Your rights and responsibilities

We promise to try our very best for all our patients at all times.

As a patient you have the right to:

  • Be registered with the practice
  • Receive emergency care
  • Receive appropriate drugs and medications
  • Be referred for a specialist or second opinion as a shared process with your GP
  • See your medical records subject to certain laws
  • Know that by law everyone working in the NHS must keep the contents of your medical records private

With these rights and additional commitments from the surgery come responsibilities for the public. That means being:

  • Courteous to staff at all times
  • As prompt as possible for all appointments
  • Responsible for cancelling appointments in adequate time

We aim to treat our patients with courtesy and respect at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way. We have a zero tolerance policy and take very seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff and patients. If a patient behaves in this manner they will be removed from our patient list with immediate effect.