Elm Court Youth and Community Centre
Elm Court is a youth and community centre, located in Potters Bar, which is run by a volunteer management committee to provide clubs for young people and space for community groups.
www.elmcourt.org.ukPotters Bar Rambling Club
They are a friendly, active club with a regular programme of walks which take place every Wednesday and alternate Sundays throughout the year, come rain or shine. There are also various social activities during the year, which usually include at least one walking holiday.
www.pbrc.org.ukAbout My Area
About My Area provides information about clubs and organisations in Potters Bar.
Getting together with real people in real life makes powerful things happen. Side hustles become careers, ideas become movements, and chance encounters become lifelong connections. Meetup brings people together to create thriving communities.
www.meetup.comPotters Bar & Barnet RSPB Group
RSPB local groups are a great way to meet friendly, like-minded people in your area while learning more about birds and wildlife.
www.rspb.org.ukLGBT Foundation
LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.
Community groups
Page published: 28 November 2024
Last updated: 28 November 2024