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Men’s health

  • NHS Health Check

    The NHS Health Check is a health check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74.

    NHS: Health check

  • Prostate cancer – PSA testing

    There is currently no screening programme for prostate cancer in the UK. This is because it has not been proved that the benefits would outweigh the risks.

    NHS: PSA test

  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)

    The aorta is the main blood vessel that supplies blood to your body. It runs from your heart down through your chest and abdomen.
    In some people, as they get older, the wall of the aorta in the abdomen can become weak. It can then start to expand and form an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
    The condition is most common in men aged 65 and over.
    The NHS invites all men for screening in the year they turn 65.

    AAA screening

Page published: 28 November 2024
Last updated: 28 November 2024